13 Reasons Why? Welcome to your tape. I know this is a very unpopular opinion so please don't kill me. I've watched 7/13 episodes of the show, so I think I've made reasonable conclusions about the show based on what I've seen. However if you like the show, I totally respect your opinion and you're absolutely entitled to it. Before you tell me all about how I can't know about the show until I know the ending, I know the ending. My brother spoiled it for me. Spoilers ahead obviously. So yeah let's go.
1. The episodes drag on and on and on. This show is paced horribly. I ended up pretty much falling asleep during every episode. It includes details that contribute nothing to the plot and everything just sounds like filler.
2. You can't tell whose tape is whose. It really bothers me that even though the episodes that are supposed to focus on one specific person, they really just don't do that. The episodes don't seem unique to a specific person and a bunch of stories are just jumbled together. I found myself constantly checking to see whose tape it was actually supposed to be. When it was supposed to be Tyler's tape I thought it was Courtney's, when it was Jessica's tape I thought it was Alex's. It's just a mess and does nothing but confuse me.
3. There's little to no character development. Despite the episodes supposedly focusing on one person, I have no feeling towards any of the characters (except maybe Tony). The show seems to say so much, but so little at the same time. Like the episode with Justin's tape, even though it was Justin's tape, 6 episodes later I still know pretty much nothing about him besides the fact he plays basketball(?) and is dating Jessica. The show has too many characters to work with and I've gotten to the point where I just don't care what happens to them.
4. They make the school too ignorant. I get that schools can be somewhat oblivious to these things, but you're telling me no janitor or building service staff saw those nasty words in the girl's bathroom stall? And that they didn't report them? No way. Why would a school keep something like that? It just seems too unrealistic. At least the school would've painted over or it or something. Also when that picture of Hannah went around to everyone in the school you're telling me no counselor or staff member wanted to talk to Hannah to see if she was ok?
5. I don't like Clay. I'm sorry, I just don't. There's not really an explanation for this one.
6. Bad acting. The acting is honestly horrific, I can't really stand it. With the scene between Jessica and Hannah, when Jessica slapped Hannah I laughed (whoops). Also the actors are way too old to be high schoolers, just thought I'd point that out..
7. Hannah shows no mental health issues throughout the story. You don't just wake up one morning and think you're going to kill yourself. That just doesn't happen. Suicide usually happens after a struggle with some form of depression or mental health issue. We never saw Hannah go through any of that. The fact that the show totally glosses over it doesn't portray suicide in an accurate way.
8. Hannah and Clay's relationship is too confusing. One episode they're friends and Hannah jumps on him and calls him Helmet, the next episode they're just sitting across the room from each other at a dance staring at each other without speaking a word. I don't understand. I get they hook up later or something but there's too much confusion with where they stand.
9. The show promotes the message that to get revenge on people you can kill yourself. This should not be the only solution to Hannah's struggles, but it's the only one the show seems to care about.
10. Hannah is petty. Hannah had every right to kill herself after what she went through, but to constantly pin her problems on others to make them feel guilty? I didn't hear Clay's tape, but he's going to have to live with the fact that he was apart of Hannah's death for the rest of his life, and that's not right.
11. Hannah's parents. I don't think the show ever explained why didn't Hannah talk to her parents. They seemed to have a good relationship and the Mom obviously cares a lot about Hannah to sue the school. In fact why didn't Hannah talk to anyone? Why did we never see her go through this struggle of deciding who or if she should tell anyone? Did her parents never check up on her?
12. There's no need for the show to show such a graphic suicide. My only question for this is why. Why would they show this. The whole show leads up to this suicide like it's a good thing to be honest. What was the purpose of showing such a graphic suicide. It was probably the realest portrayal of suicidal tendencies in the whole show, but still there was no need to show it.
13. The show romanticizes suicide. Hannah has an intricate plan about how she's going to make it everybody's fault when she kills herself. She's planned everything out so well and it's just unrealistic. All she's doing with this whole thing is give people ideas. People with actual problems may see this and make their own scheme on how to be like Hannah. And that's wrong.
i agree with pretty much everything you said and am really hoping the drama over this shows dies off soon
ReplyDeleteI agree, it's really overhyped