Netflix announced a new original series to arrive on its platform this April, "Casting JonBenet." Since the release of the trailer, I've watched it about 700 times. I'm a big conspiracy nut, so let's just say I'm excited about this.
If you're unfamiliar with the murder of 6 year old pageant queen JonBenet Ramsey, let me give you the summary. On the day after Christmas in 1996, JonBenet was found murdered in her home in Boulder, Colorado. A ransom note was found in the house, eight hours after she was reported missing. The case was being followed nationwide and gathered a lot of media attention. To this day, no one knows who actually killed JonBenet. There are hundreds of different theories about the case. Most point the finger at either Patsy (who is now dead as well) or John Ramsey, her parents. Some even look to JonBenet's brother, Burke, who was 9 years old at the time, and firmly believe he killed his sister. And then there are the people who think someone else may have killed her. The case itself is really unique and fascinating, if you're interested I suggest you dive into the rabbit hole that is this case.
But anyway back to the series. The trailer depicts the series of being a documentary/reenactment. But if no one knows who killed JonBenet, how can they do a reenactment, you ask. Well here's the interesting part. The series is a reenactment of what people in JonBenet's hometown believe to have happened. There are multiple scenarios and so many theories and they're going to reenact a bunch of them. I don't think you understand how excited this makes me. I've always been fascinated by this case and I want to learn what people who experienced this case know. It's eye-opening if you ask me. To see what the people in this town have gone through, to see their own individual perspectives of the story. It's just so cool!
I personally think Burke killed his sister and his parents covered it up for him. I know that sounds a little dark, but the ransom note written was found to be Patsy Ramsey’s handwriting. Not to mention it was on her stationary. But it could’ve been any of them. Why didn’t they check the basement before they reported her missing? Why in Burke’s interview with Dr. Phil was he smiling when talking about the death of his sister?
We may never know the true culprit behind the death of JonBenet, but maybe this series will give us some insight and get us a little closer. I'll link the trailer below. Check out this series on April 28th!